Web Summit 2020

Web Summit is considered to be

“The world's largest technology conference”

It was Overwhelming to see How this summit is organized...

Times may be uncertain, but one thing remains true. There’s a simple power in people coming together. That’s why Web Summit is going online this December.
they’re a company from Dublin, Ireland that holds events online and across the world – Web Summit, Collision and RISE

Why will thousands gather online?

Three reasons: They have incredible speakers, unparalleled networking opportunities, and proprietary software that will maximise your experience.
They are proud of their track record when it comes to live events. The Guardian called them “Glastonbury for geeks”; The Financial Times “the world’s largest tech conference”.
Their software has always been the key to their conferences, and they have spent a decade making it the best it can be. Now they’re taking it to the next level. this is going to be this in December 2020.
