Tell your problems to God not on Social Media

In this age of Social Media, we find that our validation of any thing that we go through is to be first posted there, to give one a feeling of self worth. The First place we need to go is,on our Knees, in the presence of God. We don't need any other validation, help, or even acknowledgement. You need God and God alone, No One else can help you, no amount of friends, family, contact our even the Clout that you think that you might have, can Help, except your Lord and Master. Any Situation, Problem or anything that you need or want, the First and Foremost should be God.No one else will Do.We often feel value in some likes, or thumbs up matter, in this faceless, emotionless cyber world, when all we need is the Hand of God, in everything we do. Oh taste Him, and See how God He is, My Father used to always tell me.You need to experience it, to believe it, and therein lies the Solution to everything that you have experienced, experiencing or going to experience in the days to come. Your  Never Alone, He is There
