Who invented HTML?

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is an important markup language used for web page creation.
HTML was invented by Tim Berners-Lee, a British Engineer, Computer Scientist and Professor at MIT in 1991. Post his invention Tim Berners-Lee came to be known as the ‘father of web’. Berners-Lee is the founder of World Wide Web Foundation and is also the director of World Wide Web Consortium, W3C.
A markup language uses a set of markup tags and these markup tags are used for describing web pages. The markup tags in HTML are called HTML tags. HTML tags come in pairs such as

. The first tag is the start tag or the opening tag and the second tag is the end tag or the closing tag. Everything between the start tag and end tag is an HTML element. HTML tags are used by web developers for formatting different parts of a document. For example, HTML tags are used for specifying headings, lists, paragraphs and images tables. Images and objects can be embedded in HTML for creating interactive forms.
The benefits of HTML heading styles are that they can be displayed in relative sizes ranging from h1 through h6, h1 the largest and h6 the smallest. HTML is easy to use, supported by almost all browsers, and no software needs to be bought.
