Canon on Monday launched expanded its M series mirrorless camera models and brought the EOS M100 to the Indian market with a price tag of Rs. 39,995. The interchangeable-lens camera was originally announcedback in August with a 24.2-megapixel image sensor. Additionally, the company has launched its new range of lenses that includes the TS-E50mm f/2.8L Macro, TS-E90mm f/2.8L Macro, and TS-E135mm f/4L macro and EF85mm f/1.4L IS USM, and Macro Twin Lite MT-26EX-RT.
The Canon EOS M100 features a 24.2-megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor and a DIGIC 7 processor. The proprietary image processor enables the camera to shoot still images with 4fps burst mode and up to 6.1fps using fixed focus. There is Dual-Pixel CMOS autofocus to let users capture moving subjects with precision. The camera also has a 3-inch touch panel LCD screen and includes a Creative Assist feature that brings easy editing and connectivity options. There are six Creative Assist settings that have all frequently used options.
Canon has provided an ISO range of 100-25600 on the EOS M100. Also, the camera has features such as in-camera RAW conversion, self-portrait mode, and a list of creative features. There is Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and NFC on the connectivity front. Besides, the camera has 60p full-HD video recording support and weighs 302 grams (body only).
"A perfect companion for any photo enthusiast, the compact and easy-to-use EOS M100 takes brilliant images and records stunning videos. With its 3.0-inch tilt-type LCD that rotates 180 degrees, the camera takes selfies to a whole new level. We are delighted to bring the new generation of photography solutions here in India and shape the future of imaging in the country," said Eddie Udagawa, vice president of consumer imaging and information centre, Canon India, in a press statement.
You can pair the Canon EOS M100 with one of the latest TS-E series lenses. The TS-E50mm f/2.8L Macro, the TS-E90mm f/2.8L Macro, and the TS-E135mm f/4L Macro all are priced at Rs. 1,72,995, while the EF85mm f/1.4L USM comes with a price tag of Rs. 1,17,995 and the Macro Twin Lite MT-26EX-RT is priced at Rs. 64,999.
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