When Should I Buy My Child A Smartphone?

The majority of children born today will have access to mobile smart devices early on in their lives. Parents are constantly questioning how young is too young? When should I buy my child a smartphone or tablet? With digital devices being a relatively new introduction into our day-to-day lives, it’s hard to tell how they will affect our children’s development in the long-term. But studies are already underway, and experts have drawn some conclusions to help parents make these tough decisions.
Though each child will experience technology in a different way, this infographic “When Should I Buy My Child A Smartphone (Or Tablet)?” compiles these general guidelines to help parents get a better sense of when when their child is most likely to succeed and most likely to be hindered by exposure to different types of media and devices.
When do you think you’ll buy your child their first device? How soon is too soon to teach your child responsible smartphone behavior? Read more to find out!
